12-1. TV STARS

A TV-team from NBC-Sport filmed us and Green Car! With a little luck they do a one minute story about us in their big reportage from the 2011 Detroit Auto Show to be aired on Jan 30, 12:30. When it was over and Green Car was fully charged we got a warm farewell from our friends and hosts Linda and Bruce. Snow was falling as we left through dismal dark Detroit. To save energy we drove without heat in the car. A sunset never tWe disconnected the heater in the room and plugged in Green Car with the cord running out through the slightly open door. o end put the horizon on fire behind the winter-dark landscape. When Green Car was running out of power we had no motel nearby. So quite contrary to our principles we had to back-track 20 km and just made it across empty frozen back-roads. I had an old bit of bread and some almonds for dinner. And during the night happened what shouldn't happen: the motel circuit breaker flipped while we slept and Green Car was without power in minus 9 C.


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