It was Saturday and in Deming town we could not find an open workshop with a power-outlet. At the city RV-park the host had gone. But there was power and we plugged in Green Car anyway and had lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Charging takes time so we also went for coffee and cakes at a cosy Christian bookshop. Three hours later we returned to the RV-park and Green Car was almost full, and the host, a tiny round woman, did not want any money for the power. We thanked her and continued into New Mexico. The day's goal was Truth or Consequences, famous for hot springs. Most springs were fully booked and we coasted up and down the town trying to find power for the car. We found rooms at The Charles Bathhouse. Nina and I brought back delicious pizzas to Ida from Bella Lucca and we had a great meal. Finally we drove up to Cielo Vista RV-park. It was around midnight and nobody was awake. We ran around with the voltmeter until we found a 220 V outlet and plugged in Green Car between the big RVs.

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