Until Green Car is released from customs we have rented a RV an Recreational Vehicle. It is full of electric gadgets but certainly no EV. It is complete with three double beds, kitchen with running water, three propane burners, stove, micro wave, cub boards, drawers and a table for six. Not to mention toilet and shower. When we push a button the dinning hall becomes double size. There is also a generator and sockets and propane heating for the chilly nights. This rolling house has comfort but poor road-holding. And the bulky thing only does 2 km/l. We met with Hjalte’s friend Wolfgang of Dubbelju Motorcycle Rentals, a good friend of Moto Mundo. Ida also got time to buy a stroller for Elliot . And because it was Black Friday, the big shopping day after Thanksgiving, she got 10% discount.

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