After charging a whole night the batteries had gone up from 13% til 78%. Not very impressive, so we have to find plugs that can handle more amps. After a test packing of the car we all four boarded Green Car. Hjalte drove and I was sitting in the back together with little Elliot, that had got his own auto-chair. While we were driving Ida navigated us through the maze of freeways with her computer and the satellite-antenna from Thrane & Thrane. We have really missed our mobile internet-access from Inmarsat the days we have been waiting for Green Car. It is still mild here in California so we decided to camp as long as the weather stays fine. So we drove up to a outdoor-shop in Berkeley where I got a really warm sleeping bag og Ida bought a mattress. The rest of the camping-gear is still in the car, last used in the Gobi desert. Nina

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