First of May is a big thing in Berlin and in particular in Kreuzberg with street parties and battles with the police. Many cars get burned and people told us better move Green Car to a safe place. On the way out of Berlin Green Car needed to charge. Hans, driving the car, found a rare accessible socket on a petrol-station. We charged for half an hour and made it to Hans' parents huge house in Potsdam. Three sisters and a cousin jumped trampolin in the garden. Walter and Christiane gave us a warm welcome and they took us for a very interesting tour of Potsdam - an old area of Russian houses and one of Dutch houses, castles and the Belvedere with a great view of green Berlin. On the way we bought fresh aspargus, which Christiane prepared for a delicious dinner we had around the big family table. Walter tested Green Car and was impressed - he would like an electric car next!


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