Ida and Elliot waved goodbye in Dallas airport. Nina and I have enjoyed every minute with them in Green Car. On the British Virgin Islands waits father Hans and beach holiday. We will see them again in New York at the end of the month. In Richardson, a Dallas suburb, Paul from the Electro Auto Association was waiting for us. We got Green Car plugged in in his garage after some trying. The EV-people are active here in Dallas and several members have constructed their own EVs. Paul has bought a Leaf, the first Nissan EV, and he is no 6 on the list for delivery at the local auto dealer. Paul explains that for many EV-people a major motive for going electric is to cut dependency on oil (from the Middle East). We went out dinning with Paul and he invited us to stay the night, but we had to press on towards Detroit and said goodbye to yet another helpful and sympathetic EV-friend.

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