Mike and Debbie had arranged a meeting in the afternoon with the local EV-friends from Electro Auto Association.They were all full of ideas and some had built their own electric cars. The meeting was held in a hangar, the workshop of airplane-, wind-turbine- and EV-constructor Les King. We showed our presentation of the World Tour and Debbie had made a nice meal for all of us. The wind always blows in from the desert over the mountains of Tehachapi. Here began the US wind power-research and here is the General Electric wind turbine factorywhere Mike works. The active people of Tehachapi has over the last decade erected many hundred wind turbines and bigger and bigger ones are being erected.It was late in the afternoon before we could say goodbye. We found a little motel in Pear Blossom north of Los Angeles. It took some persuasion of the host before Hjalte was allowed to plug into an outlet in their laundry-room. It can be difficult to cover long distances in the electric car, not because of the car, it is performing faultlessly, but because the infra-structure is not yet in place.Nina

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