With just 62% charge in the morning we had to take a long lunch-break if we should have any hope of doing just 200 km. The weather had cleared up again, and the air was fresh after Ida with a well-aimed kick sent our old leaking camp-stove to Hell, where it belonged. A tree had dripped sap on the car, but Hjalte got it cleaned. In Willcox we had a tasty fish-meal in a restaurant in an old railroad-car while Green Car got power from an auto-shop. One-street historic Willcox boasted Arizona's oldest functioning shop. Here Ida found a a smart warm cover-all and I bought a pair of Wranglers sewn with gold-thread. In Lordsburg the chain-motels could or would not give us power for the car. Instead we found a KOA-camp and had to pay for a small cabin and a RV-hook-up for Green Car. It was first time the owner had to deal with an EV, and we did not bother to discuss too much with him. But KOA should find a better way to host EVs.


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