Green Car beamed with the sun as we early in the morning rolled into EXPO. Filled with joy we jumped in the air. We made it to EXPO, 113 days and 13500 kilometers from Copenhagen Town-hall Square! Now, who say electric cars cannot go far? Before the one million daily visitors were let in we cruised through EXPO and photographed Green Car. 3 o'clock we drove into the Danish Pavilion and had a happy welcome from the Little Mermaid, general commissioner Christopher Bo Bramsen, Chinese EXPO-vips, a throng of photographers and journalists and thousands of visitors. Hands clapped when Green Car opened its jaws and revealed its electric inside. Afterwards a reception was held in the VIP-room where we presented our picture show about the journey and gave interviews for several hours while Green Car was admired side by side with the Mermaid. The day ended with a Chinese farewell-dinner for our indispensable guide Serena.

Nina and Hjalte

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