We have arrived in Shanghai completing the longest and most challenging part of our round the world tour! From the 17th floor where we stay we have a magnificent view of all the pulsating lights of Shanghai and EXPO. Everything is grander and brighter than anything we dared imagine. By coincidence we arrived in Shanghai at the same time as Zero Race, two motorcycles from Switzerland and Germany and an experimental car from Australia attempting to go round the world in 80 days on electricity. We had dinner with the exhausted participants and exchanged experiences. Good luck friends! We share a common goal - to promote electric vehicles by taking them on the ultimate test. On this day we send a big Hurrah to Soeren Ekelund. AfutureEV's Danish electric car that brought us here, is leading the global race of real, production electric cars. The cars of the future will be electric. Of course, Hjalte and I also have to send all of you greetings from Green Car, smiling down on the EXPO-parking lot.

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