We have left Russia and entered Mongolia with Green Car. We have done 8000 km from Estonia to Mongolia through Russia and it has taken us 50 days. Customs only took four hours - we had five cars in front of us. On the Mongolian side Claus and Karen Elise were waiting, having just arrived by bus from Ulan Ude. And then our good Mongolian friend and Moto Mundo-partner Sukhee turned up in his tall Land Cruiser. Sukhee is a great motor-man and winner two weeks ago of the tough international Mongolian Rally Mongolia (not to be confused with the touristic Mongolian Rally) in a Mitsubishi racing car. He led us to a wonderful river where we camped for the night. We pitched our tents as the grasshoppers and the generator sang and the day became a glowing line on the horizon. We are SO happy to have arrived in Mongolia.


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