Every evening as Hjalte and Nina has to find a place to sleep it is me that decides. When I am low on amps, they just have to take the first hotel turning up. In this way they get surprises every day, and if no hotel shows up they have to sleep in the forrest. Now this evening I drove them to a big old concrete hotel in the town Iz… something. The Soviet-style administration made it hard for Hjalte to find a socket to plug me in. Fuses could not take it, windows were forbidden to open. In the middle of the night Nina had to get up and un-hook me because the administrator found the wire was getting hot. This is normal, but all the time she said Nelsja! Forbidden! So Hjalte had to go down on the street and start up our generator. What a fuss…. No, by far I prefer the small truck-stop motels where I can spend the night talking with the big trucks while I charge. Add to that, that many more people stop to admire my beautiful body and electric parts. My picture is now on thousand mobile phones all over Russia. Green Car.

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